Maple CRM - Anti-Spam and Privacy Statement [maple crm dot net]

Today, more than ever, privacy is a huge concern among people throughout the world. Although this system allows businesses to obtain and retain customers through e-mail marketing, we understand the importance of privacy and therefore respect the expectations of the public. This system does not distribute or sell members confidential information.

This e-mail system is utilized for sending permission-based e-mail from companies to their opt-in customers and partners.

We are strongly opposed to unsolicited e-mail. Under the terms of our customer contract, we will not knowingly allow a customer to use our product to distribute SPAM, nor allow unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE). In regards to our enterprise software solution, we will not knowingly sell to companies that send or plan to send UCE/SPAM.

We do not retain e-mail address information after our users delete from our servers. We do not monitor or limit our users from creating e-mail messages. We do, however, quickly and fervently respond to notification of violations or abuses of our Terms of Service, including failure to honor opt-outs.

Definition of SPAM from MAPS- Mail Abuse Prevention System

An e-mail is SPAM if:

1. The contact's personal identity and context are irrelevant because the message is equally applicable to many other potential contacts; AND
2. The contact has not verifiably granted deliberate, explicit, and still-revocable permission for it to be sent; AND
3. The transmission and reception of the message appears to the contact to give a disproportionate benefit to the sender.

Actions taken by Maple CRM to prevent Spam mails and UCE

1. Maple require the email sender to have a valid email address.
2. EMail address of the sender will be authenticated before first use of email sending from Maple CRM
3. Bulk email sendings are controlled by programs and have synchronized email sending mechanism implemented in place.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please forward a copy of the e-mail in question to info [you-know-what] maplecrm [you-know-what] com